Fees and Payments - General Guidance


Our Policy on Application Fee Payments, Waivers and Refunds includes guidance on:

  • making application fee payments by bank transfer (BACS) or credit/debit card
  • fee waivers
  • refunds

Please see the table below for a full list of our current application fees.

Application Type Application Fee (up to 31 March 2024)

Application Fee (from 1 April 2024)

Authorisation to Conduct Litigation £90 £120
Certificate of Academic Standing £200 £260
Designation as a Legal Advice Centre £165 £215
Early commencement of the Vocational Component £165 £215
European Lawyer - Registration (Swiss Lawyers only) £440 £575
Exemption (Non-England and Wales Degree Provider) £550 £550
Exemption (Professional Qualifications) £550 £550
Exemption (England and Wales Degree Provider) £275 £360
Exercise of Discretion £220 £290
General Exemption £440 £575
Licensed Access - Amendment/Renewal £100 £130
Licensed Access - Authorisation £200 £260
Licensed Access - Professional Association/Ombudsman £200 £260
New Practitioners Programme (NPP) - Extension £135 £175
New Practitioners Programme (NPP) - Waiver £135 £175
OISC Licensed Access - Level 2 and/or Level 3 Registration £50  £65
OISC Licensed Access - Level 2 and/or Level 3 Renewal £50 £65
Public Access Rules - Exemption £165 £215
Pupillage Dispensation £55 £70
Pupillage Funding, Advertising & Recruitment Requirements - Waiver £100 £130
Pupillage Reduction £55 £70
Pupillage Reduction (Barrister also qualified as a Solicitor) £55 £70
Qualified Person Requirement Waiver £165 £215
Reactivation of Stale Qualifications £220 £290
Retrospective Registration £55 £70
Review £200 £260
Review of a Practising Certificate Decision £200 £260
Review of an Entity Authorisation Decision £200 £260
Temporary Call £440 £575
Transferring Qualified Lawyer - Admission for Law Teachers, Qualified European Lawyers, Qualified Foreign Lawyers, Registered European Lawyers, Transferring Solicitors, and Persons with Rights of Audience granted by another Approved Regulator (other than the SRA) £440 £575
Uncommon Waiver £165 £215
Vocational Component Exemption (Bar Exam for non-intending practitioners) £165 £215

Prioritising applications

We will consider requests for exemption or waiver applications to be prioritised:

  • if the outcome is required to confirm registration on a GDL or vocational component Bar Course, or for Bar Transfer Test assessments; or

  • if the outcome is required to confirm a pupillage, tenancy, or employment offer; or

  • if the outcome is required for an upcoming court appearance (eg authorisation as a licensed access client).

We cannot otherwise guarantee to prioritise any applications, at present.

If you would like your application to be prioritised for assessment, you will need to submit a request (in writing), as follows:

  • For Transferring Qualified Lawyer applications, please email [email protected]
  • For all other application types, please email [email protected] marked for the attention of the Head of Authorisations Operations

You will need to set out any grounds for the urgent processing of your application and confirm the date by which a decision is required.

If you have already submitted a request for your application to be prioritised, this will be reviewed as soon as possible in order to provide you with an anticipated decision date for your application.

Return of hard-copy documents

We are working to create a list of documents sent by post in support of applications to the Authorisations Team, which we will now be able to arrange to return.

You can arrange with a member of the team to collect your documents from our office. Please note that we will require a minimum of three days' notice if you wish to collect your documents from the office so that we can ensure that there will be someone available in the office on the day to hand the documents to you.

Alternatively, we can arrange the return of these documents via post. Please note that if you would like your documents to be posted back to you, and you have not already pre-paid the returns cost, you will need to cover the cost of this service.

Please get in touch with the Authorisations Team via email at [email protected] to discuss:

  • the document(s) that we have in relation to your application, and
  • how you would like your document(s) to be returned to you.

Pupillage Provider AETO applications

  • I was advised that an Officer would contact me about my application - why haven’t I heard anything yet? 

The officer may not have been able to get through on the telephone number we hold, do contact the Head of Authorisations Operations via email ([email protected]) and she will arrange a mutually convenient time to discuss your application with you.

  • Why haven’t I received any emails?

We may not have the correct contact information for you – please contact the Head of Authorisations Operations via email ([email protected]).

  • I submitted my application more than 16 weeks ago and it still hasn’t been assessed, what should I do?

We apologise for the delay in contacting you. Your application may be queued for assessment or might need further information. Please contact the Head of Authorisations Operations via email ([email protected]) to arrange a discussion about your application.

  • I’m waiting to hear, but want to take on pupils, can I advertise?

You can advertise for new pupils while your application is being processed, so long as it is clear that the pupillage is offered subject to your successful authorisation as an AETO.

Concerns about a pupillage provider (AETO)?

If you have a concern about a chambers or other organisation that delivers work-based learning (pupillage) training for barristers, please read our guidance on reporting a concern.