The types of organisations we authorise fall into two distinct categories:

BSB Entities

The term “BSB Entity” refers to two distinct types of body which are BSB Authorised Body (fully owned and managed by authorised individuals who hold practising certificates) and BSB Licensed Body/Alternative Business Structure (owned and managed jointly by authorised individuals and non-authorised individuals.

We have been authorising entities since 2015, starting with Authorised Bodies and then broadening the scope to include Licensed Bodies in 2017.

If you wish to apply to become a BSB Entity or would like to make a speculative enquiry please visit our section on BSB entities.

Authorised Education and Training Organisations (AETOs)

Authorised Education and Training Organisations (AETOs) provide prospective barristers with a more flexible approach to the three components of training: Academic Learning, Vocational Learning and Pupillage/Work-based learning.

We use a risk and evidence based approach to the authorisation of organisations to ensure that organisations authorised by us offer training which is accessible, affordable and flexible whilst maintaining the high standards of entry expected at the Bar. 

An AETO could be:

  • a provider of vocational or integrated academic and vocational training for the Bar, such as a higher education institution; or
  • a provider of pupillage training, such as chambers, BSB entities and other organisations, including solicitors' firms, commercial organisations, government bodies and not-for-profit organisations.

In order to become an AETO, an organisation must apply to be authorised under the Authorisation Framework.

If you are interested in becoming an AETO, please read our information for AETOs.