10 Oct 2014

10 October 2014

The Bar Standards Board (BSB) has today issued a call for evidence as part of a new review of the standard contractual terms and the cab rank rule. This is to establish the contractual basis on which barristers are being instructed, and to gather evidence about the frequency with which the cab rank rule is being invoked.

In early 2013, the BSB introduced a change to the Code of Conduct that altered the cab rank rule to the effect that barristers were only obliged to accept instructions under the rule where the instructions were offered on the basis of new standard contractual terms or the barrister's own terms.

The aim of this review is to challenge any prior assumptions and investigate whether alternative approaches might be feasible without undermining either the principle and effectiveness of the cab rank rule or the regulatory objectives.

Please help us gather the necessary evidence so that we can accurately reflect current working arrangements in our review.

For further information please click here.

The call for evidence has been extended until 12 January 2015. If you would like to respond, please contact us via [email protected].


About the Bar Standards Board
Our mission is to regulate the Bar so as to promote high standards of practice and safeguard clients and the public interest. For more information about what we do visit: http://bit.ly/1gwui8t


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