Mr Andrew Marc Rosemarine

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Barrister Status:
Self Employed
Nov 1989
Gray's Inn
Hearing type:
Determination By Consent
Decision date
Breach details:
Professional Misconduct contrary to Core Duty 1, 5, 7 and rC3, rC7.3 and rc20 of the Code of Conduct (Part 2 of the Bar Standards Board Handbook Version 4.6).
Offence details:

Andrew Marc Rosemarine, a barrister and BSB regulated individual failed to observe his duty to the court in the administration of justice in that, when acting for the applicants in the matter of a Judicial Review, he conducted himself in some or all of the ways listed at sub-paragraphs (c), (d), (g), (h), (k) and (l) of Schedule 1 and, as a result, on 14 October 2021 was made subject to a wasted costs order.

Andrew Marc Rosemarine, a barrister and BSB regulated individual behaved in a way which is likely to diminish the trust and confidence which the public places in him or in the profession in that, when acting for the applicants in the matter of a Judicial Review, he conducted himself in some or all of the ways listed at sub-paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (f), (i), (j), (k) and (l) of Schedule 1 and, as a result, on 14 October 2021 was made subject to a wasted costs order.

Andrew Marc Rosemarine, a barrister and BSB regulated individual failed to provide a competent standard of work and service to his client in that, when acting for the applicants in the matter of a Judicial Review, he conducted himself in some or all of the ways listed at sub-paragraphs (a), (d), (g), (h) and (l) of Schedule 1 and, as a result, on 14 October 2021 was made subject to a wasted costs order.

Andrew Marc Rosemarine, a barrister and BSB regulated individual failed to observe his duty to the court to act with independence in the interests of justice in that, when acting for the applicants in the matter of a Judicial Review, he conducted himself in some or all of the ways listed at sub-paragraphs (b), (c), (d), (i) and (j) of Schedule 1 and, as a result, on 14 October 2021 was made subject to a wasted costs order.

Andrew Marc Rosemarine, a barrister and BSB regulated individual abused his role as an advocate by making a serious allegation against any person in that, when acting for the applicants in the matter of a Judicial Review, he conducted himself in the way listed at sub-paragraph (f) of Schedule 1 and, as a result, on 14 October 2021 was made subject to a wasted costs order.

Andrew Marc Rosemarine, a barrister and BSB regulated individual failed to use his own professional judgement in conducting a matter for his clients such that he was unable to justify his decisions and actions in that, when acting for the applicants in the matter of a Judicial Review, he conducted himself in some or all of the ways listed at sub-paragraphs (b), (c), (d), (f), (h), (i), (j) and (k) of Schedule 1 and, as a result, on 14 October 2021 was made subject to a wasted costs order.

Reprimanded and fined in the sum of £300
Determination by consent: