Mr Michael Charles Roberts

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Barrister Status:
Jul 1978
Lincoln's Inn
Hearing type:
Disciplinary Tribunal (5 Person)
Tribunal panel members:
Ms Belinda Knight ,  His Honour Judge John Randolph Trevor Rylance ,  Ms Lara Fielden ,  Mr Robert Andrew Sliwinski ,  Mr Robert John Walton KC
Decision date
Breach details:
Professional misconduct contrary to paragraph 301(a)(i) and pursuant to paragraph 901.7 of the Code of Conduct of the Bar of England and Wales (8th Edition).
Offence details:

Michael Roberts engaged in conduct which was dishonest or otherwise discreditable to a barrister, prejudicial to the administration of justice, and likely to diminish public confidence in the legal profession or otherwise bring the legal profession into disrepute, contrary to paragraph 301 of the Code of Conduct, in that between 31 December 2007 and 26 July 2012 he committed criminal offences of cheating the public revenue and making a false statutory declaration, to which he pleaded guilty on 15 October 2014 and for which he was sentenced subsequently to a total of three years' imprisonment.

Disbarred – Sentence still to take effect